
Ways To Support GPNA

Your donation helps us organize neighbors, coordinate neighborhood events, collaborate with local partners and support continuous neighborhood improvement. As a 501(c)3, we are entirely funded by grants and donors like you. We appreciate your support! Your donation assists GPNA in supporting and uplifting our community through events, programming and advocacy.

Become a member
Membership donations help encourage citizen participation and community involvement to ensure the future development and growth for Garfield Park homes, schools, and businesses.
Donate Online

Make a monthly or one-time donation to Garfield Park Neighborhoods Association.

Donate By Mail

Make checks payable to: Garfield Park Neighborhoods Association and mail to:

Garfield Park Neighborhoods Association
334 Burton St. SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49507-3097

GPNA Membership

Membership donations help encourage citizen participation and community involvement to ensure the future development and growth for Garfield Park homes, schools, and businesses. We know citizen participation is crucial as it establishes inclusion, strengthens the neighborhood bond, and embraces the neighborhood’s desire to create a legacy for GPNA.

We believe that by actively participating in events and getting to know each other, residents take greater pride in their homes and neighborhood. The end result is improved property value, crime reduction, and a stronger community for all.

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What does your donation support?

Behind the scenes, GPNA is working on community events like National Night Out and block parties, crime prevention and public safety, housing code violation resolution, zoning variances, and the Get The Lead Out program, just to name a few. We collaborate with many local churches and businesses to provide valuable resources for neighbors. We also stay in communication with the City of Grand Rapids, the GRFD Residential Safety Program, and GRPD Community Officers.